Home > powershell > Extracting information from a Cisco router config with Powershell

Extracting information from a Cisco router config with Powershell

Why this script?

Information about systems in a local network is often distributed over several devices/sources. These sources are not always all up to date. After something (or a lot of things) changed in your network, you might find yourself facing the task of bringing all these devices/sources to a consistent configuration state.

From the outside, your gateway router or firewall is the ‘entry point’ to your local network. So if if something changed in your network, it is a good point to start checking network configuration consistency by looking at the gateway router. This script was written to help with this task.

What it does

The script will read a Cisco router config file and extract some interesting bits of it by applying regular expression pattern matching to each line. This kind of ‘lazy parsing’ used here is far from complete. My main goal was to get information about hosts (represented in the router config by IP addresses) having ports opened individually for them, e.g. smtp, www, imap, etc. For that reason I don’t handle config statements which open ports for a address ranges of (internal) destination addresses. Also, in my environment we use ‘static NAT’ for some hosts (we’re moving away from using it), so the script extracts information about the mapping between private (internal) and official (external) IP addresses as well. Some general information about the router itself is also processed (router hostname, name servers in use, interfaces and assigned IP addresses, …).

The information extracted from the config file is transformed into an internal XML representation. After processing the script simply writes the XML representation to a file. Although extracting this information might already be helpful in itself, it would be overkill to use Powershell and XML only for this basic task. A few simple grep commands might have been enough for that as well. Representing the extracted information using XML makes two things easier. First, you can relate bits of information from different locations in the router config file (‘on what interface was ACL 110 used again?’). This isn’t so easy if you just grep against the config file. Second, storing the extracted info in an XML file allows easy further processing done by additional scripts. These will be part of a blog post yet to come. Just to give you an idea about what will follow later:

  • The information will be augmented by doing reverse DNS lookups (to get the host names for the ‘naked’ IP addresses).
  • Also, pinging the IP addresses will (usually) show us whether the systems are still alive.
  • In case of IP addresses representing Windows systems, using WMI might get us even more information about a host which was originally represented in the router config only by a meager IP address.

You might get your XML to start from cheaper…

If you have a Cisco router running with a newer version of IOS (XR), you might be able to directly save its configuration to an XML file. Then you wouldn’t need this script at all. But you might still be interested in the upcoming posts about augmenting or analyzing router information.

Design rationale of the XML representation used

General structure

If you look at the XML file generated by this script, its structure might at first look overly complicated. On the top level there is a twofold distinction. One branch contains information about the router itself (hostname, name servers, interface configuration, …), all under the top level node <my_config>. The other branch – starting with <systems> – is listing items from the config which are about (internal) systems known to the router. This information is again quite deeply structured. Why not use a simple representation of open ports per internal system, which would be along the lines of ‘port X is open for destination IP Y’ or – in XML – <open_port src_ip=”…” dst_ip=”…” port=”…”/>? Why use a far more complex representation which first postulates the existence of a <system>, having an <interface>, which is assigned an <ip>, for which finally the router has a something to say about open ports or static NAT entries? The reasons for this complex representation are extensibility and reusability. The information about systems extracted from a router configuration is very rudimentary and can be quite useless if not augmented by additional information from other sources. One example: Cisco router configurations are all about IP addresses. Some network administrators might know every system accessible from the outside just by looking at its IP address, but then again not all will do so. For that reason it makes sense to augment the extracted information by doing a reverse DNS lookup later on. And if we later on have to augment the information we got from a router anyway, why not start with a representation of internal systems which is right from the start designed for being easily augmented?

Avoiding the abundant use of attributes on XML nodes

An early unpublished version of this script was encoding a lot of information into XML node attributes – like shown in the XML fragment given in the previous section. The reason for using attributes in the first place was that this results in a very compact encoding of information. If every bit of information for an XML node is encoded into attributes, you won’t even need an explicit closing tag – ‘/>’ will do. But just using attributes has several drawbacks. First, you can’t assign multiple values to an attribute – at least not without giving attribute values some internal structure like <host ip=”a.b.c.d;e.f.g.h”/>. And doing something like that would only mess things up completely. Second, imagine you have to join information about systems originating from two different sources A and B. From every source you have generated a separate XML file which contains the information the source has about internal systems. Now you would like to merge the XML files into one more complete representation. Merging would be straight forward if the systems in question would be disjunct between the two sources. Unfortunately this won’t happen, so you have some information about a system X from source A and other bits of information from source B. Joining these bits automatically is possible if both sources include a common item for a system, e.g. an IP address or a host name. The actual joining can be done easily with tools available for XML if you just have to copy the child nodes from an XML node for a system in source A to the equivalent system node in source B. But if you make heavy use of attributes, the same task suddenly gets very difficult since there is no easy way to copy all attributes from one XML node to another. If you do know one, please tell me.

The Script

# scan-cisco-config.ps1
# Scan a configuration file of a cisco router and extract some general information
# about which ports are open for which IP addresses.
# Extracts some general router config info as well.
# The extracted information is saved as XML to enable further analysis and reuse.
# (c) Marcus Schommler, 2011

# default value for host name (used until one is read from the config file):
$hostname = "cisco-router"

$ip_pat = "([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)"
$proto_pat ="(tcp|udp|ip|icmp|gre|pim|esp)"

# create a stub xml node set from a string:
$xcfg = [xml] "<root><my_config><system/></my_config><systems/></root>"

# read a saved cisco config file to process:
$cisco_cfg = @()
$cisco_cfg = Get-Content .\cisco-bo-config.txt

# iterate over the lines read:
foreach ($cl in $cisco_cfg) {
	if ($cl.length -lt 3) {
		# line too short to be of interest
	if ($cl -match "ip nat inside source static $ip_pat $ip_pat") {
		# processing static nat entries
		$curr_itf = $null
		# add a new host element to the xml document we're bulding:
		$h = $xcfg.CreateElement("system")
		$sxml = "<interface><ip>" + $Matches[1] + "</ip>"
		$sxml += "<nat_ip src='$hostname'>" + $Matches[2] + "</nat_ip></interface>" 
		$h.InnerXml = $sxml
		# Since the straight forward '$xcfg.root.hosts.AppendChild($h)' doesn't work (please ask MS why),
		# we're using an alternate syntax.
		# thanks to: http://www.terminal23.net/2007/09/powershell_nuance_with_appendc.html

	} elseif ($cl -match "access-list (\d+) permit $proto_pat (.*)") {
		# found acl permit entry, continue processing with the matching parts of the line:
		$curr_itf = $null
		$acl = $Matches[1]
		$proto = $Matches[2]
		$permit = $Matches[3]
		$add = $true
		$do_continue = $false
		$src_ip = $null
		$src_mask = $null
		if ($permit -match "any host(.*)") {
			$permit = $Matches[1]
			$do_continue = $true
		} elseif ($permit -match "host(.*)host(.*)") {
			$src_ip = $Matches[1]
			$permit = $Matches[2]
			$do_continue = $true
		} elseif ($permit -match "$ip_pat\s+$ip_pat\s+host(.*)") {
			$src_ip = $Matches[1]
			$src_mask = $Matches[2]
			$permit = $Matches[3]
			$do_continue = $true
		if ($do_continue) {
			if ($permit -match "$ip_pat (eq|gt) (\w+)") {
				# single port or 'greater than'
				$dst_ip = $Matches[1]
				$oper = $Matches[2]
				$port = $Matches[3]
			} elseif ($permit -match "$ip_pat range (\w+)\s+(\w+)") {
				# a range of ports is open
				$dst_ip = $Matches[1]
				$port = $Matches[2] + "-" + $Matches[3]
			} elseif ($permit -match "$ip_pat`$") {
				$dst_ip = $Matches[1]
				$port = "all"
			} else {
				$add = $false
		if ($add) {
			# look up the ip in our xml host list:
			$h = $xcfg.SelectSingleNode("/root/systems/system/interface[nat_ip='$dst_ip']")
			$h2 = $xcfg.SelectSingleNode("/root/systems/system/interface[ip='$dst_ip']")
			if (($h -eq $null) -and ($h2 -eq $null)) {
				# a system entry was not added while parsing static nat entries
				# -> add one now:
				$h = $xcfg.CreateElement("system")
				$sxml = "<interface><ip>" + $dst_ip + "</ip></interface>"
				$h.InnerXml = $sxml
				$h = $h.SelectSingleNode("interface")
			$p = $xcfg.CreateElement("open_port")
			$p.SetAttribute("src", $hostname)
			$p.SetAttribute("acl", $acl)
			$p.SetAttribute("proto", $proto)
			if ($src_ip -ne $null) {
				$p.SetAttribute("src_ip", $src_ip.Trim())
			if ($src_mask -ne $null) {
				$p.SetAttribute("src_mask", $src_mask.Trim())
			$p.SetAttribute("op", $oper)
			$p.SetAttribute("port", $port)
			if ($h -ne $null) {
			} else {
	} elseif ($cl -match "interface (.*)") {
		# located the beginning of an interface definition
		$curr_itf = $xcfg.CreateElement("interface")
		$curr_itf.SetAttribute("name", $matches[1])
	} elseif ($cl -match "ip name-server\s+(.*)") {
		# located name server entry for the router
		$dns = $xcfg.CreateElement("name_server")
		$dns.InnerXml = "<ip>" + $matches[1] + "</ip>"
	} elseif ($cl -match "\s+description\s+(.*)") {
		if ($curr_itf -ne $null) { 
			# found description for an interface
			$curr_itf.SetAttribute("desc", $matches[1])			
	} elseif ($cl -match "\s+ip access-group\s+(.*)") {
		if ($curr_itf -ne $null) { 
			$curr_itf.SetAttribute("acl", $matches[1])					
	} elseif ($cl -match "\s+ip address\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)") {
		# IP address for an interface
		if ($curr_itf -ne $null) { 
			$ip = $xcfg.CreateElement("ip")
			$ip.InnerText = $matches[1]
			$ip.SetAttribute("netmask", $matches[2])
	} elseif ($cl -match "\s*hostname\s+(.*)") {
		# extract configured host name for this router:
		$hostname = $matches[1]					
		$h = $xcfg.CreateElement("name")
		$h.InnerText = $hostname
	} elseif ($cl -match "ip route") {
		# currently we're doing nothing with routing information,
		# just reset the current interface def:
		$curr_itf = $null

# save the complete generated xml to a file:
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